Course curriculum

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    Goal Setting and Reflection

    • High Performance Farmers

    • Reflection and Goal Setting

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    Module 1: Introduction to Grazing Management

    • Glossary

    • Pasture Based Farming System

    • Production Benefit

    • Cost Benefit

    • Environmental Benefit

    • Focus

    • Quantity & Quality

    • Supply & Demand

    • Quiz

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    Module 2: Soil and Plants

    • Introduction

    • How Plants Grow

    • Root Exudates & Diversity

    • Soil Health

    • Plant Species

    • How Ryegrass Grows

    • How Grazing Effects Pasture Growth

    • Sources of Nitrogen

    • Summary

    • Quiz

    • Glossary

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    Module 3: Grazing Management Techniques

    • Golden Rules of Grazing

    • Grazing Management Techniques

    • Set Stocking

    • Rotational Grazing

    • Mob Grazing

    • Holistic Grazing

    • Quiz

    • Glossary

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    Module 4: Measuring to Manage

    • Introduction

    • How to Measure Pasture

    • The Plate Meter

    • Calculating Pasture Growth Rate and Average Farm Cover

    • Average Farm Cover

    • When to Start Grazing and When to Stop

    • Grazing Wedge - Surplus and Deficit

    • Pasture Quality

    • Bonus Lesson - Matching Pasture with Cattle

    • Quiz

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    Module 5: Animal Demand

    • Introduction

    • Animal Demand

    • Farm Demand

    • Monitoring

    • Breeding Stock

    • Quiz

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    Module 6: How to Start Rotational Grazing on your Farm

    • How to start Managed Grazing - Eating the Elephant

    • Planning a Grazing Rotation

    • Rest Period and Rotation Length

    • Calculating Paddock Size

    • Example - Farmer Joe

    • Bites 1-4

    • Bites 5-6

    • Bites 7-8

    • Last Bite!

    • Planning Your System

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    Module 7: Rotational Grazing During Different Seasons

    • Spring Grazing Management

    • Summer Grazing Management

    • Autumn Grazing Management

    • Winter Grazing Management

    • Quiz

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    Module 8: Software to help you manage your grazing

    • Overview of Available Software

    • Agrinet

    • FARMAX